Plaid Coucillor Calls for 20MPH Limit on Residential Roads

Caerphilly Plaid Cymru councillor Stephen Kent is calling for 20mph zones to be introduced in residential areas across the county borough.

He made the appeal in the wake of a report to the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee next Tuesday which asks councillors to consider making changes to existing speed management policy to incorporate 20mph limits and zones, subject to additional funding.

So far the funding for 20mph zones has been prioritised outside schools or as part of accident remediation schemes.

Councillor Kent, who represents the town’s St Martin’s ward, said: “Introducing 20mph zones in residential areas, such as housing estates, will make a strong statement on our desire to improve the safety of residents, particularly children. I believe that as councillors, we do not just represent the people in our own wards but the population of the county borough as a whole. We have a duty to ensure the safety of those more vulnerable.”

“Increasing the use of 20mph limits is one of the commitments in the One Wales Agreement and trying to create a safe environment, especially with younger children with little or no knowledge of road safety and kerb craft, is vital.”

Councillor Kent said that the council’s Plaid Cymru group had recently declared its support for the 20mph zones.

“According to UK statistics more than half of road deaths and serious injuries occur on roads with 30 mph limits,” he added.

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