Plaid Cymru AM Calls for Renewed Commitment to Keep Wales GM-free

Llyr_Huws_GruffyddThe Party of Wales Shadow Environment Minister Llyr Gruffydd has called on the Welsh Government to commit to keeping Wales GM-free, as changes to EU rules could allow the Westminster government to allow GM crops to be grown in Wales.

The changes, accepted last week by the EU Council’s Environment and likely to become law during the next year, mean that decisions on whether to grow or ban GM crops will be made on a country-by-country basis in future.

The UK Government has voted in favour of allowing GM crops.

The Party of Wales Shadow Environment Minister Llyr Gruffydd said:

“Wales has a proud record of being GM-free and it would be timely for the Welsh Government to reaffirm its commitment to retaining our status in this respect.

“We have a strong a strong identity as a nation that produces high-quality food and only last week the Welsh Government launched its Delivery Plan for the Food and Drink industry in Wales. There was a strong focus on Wales’ image as a clean, green food producing nation. Allowing the introduction of genetically modified crops would undermine that severely.

“Decisions over agriculture and food are devolved in Wales, so any decision on the future development of GM crops in Wales should be taken by the Welsh Government.

“We cannot count on the UK Government to protect Welsh interests, so we need the Welsh Government to stand up and tell us that it will do what is right for Wales and prevent the introduction of GM crops here.”


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