Plaid Cymru Comments on Tomorrow’s Industrial Action

Leanne Wood AMCommenting on July’s day of mass industrial action, Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood said: “As a committed trade unionist, I stand with all those taking industrial action.

“Nobody wants to go on strike and nobody wants to lose a day’s pay. However, nobody wants to endure pay freezes for years on end and contribute more into their pension pot for less when they retire.

“The hundreds of thousands of loyal and committed staff within the public sector have been made scapegoats for a financial crisis that was not of their making. Despite this, trade unions have been willing to make concessions and compromise on behalf of their members in these tough financial times.

“Austerity politics has dominated the Westminster political scene for many years and shows no sign of abating, regardless as to which party is in power.  This has meant the disposable income of public sector workers has been squeezed and people have been forced to struggle just to live.

“The Party of Wales has a proud record of standing up for the public sector and its workforce. We support and value all those taking industrial action to make their voices heard.”

Plaid Cymru Member of Parliament Jonathan Edwards accused the Prime Minister and his weekly question time this week of trying to silence austerity critics.  Jonathan Edwards MP added:

“I’m pleased to have had the opportunity at Prime Minister’s Questions to put on record my and Plaid Cymru’s support for public sector workers – workers that we consider to be the backbone of the local community.
“Whilst we need to grow our private sector to improve and diversify our nation’s economy, we should have no shame whatsoever that Wales has a strong public sector.

“Plaid Cymru rejects austerity, and will reject all attempts by the Westminster elite to silence critics of London’s austerity politics.”


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