Plaid Cymru encourages voter registration

Plaid Cymru’s Director of Communications Elin Jones AM, yesterday encouraged members of the public to ensure they are registered to vote for the forthcoming National Assembly Election. With the proposed revision of Westminster electoral boundaries it is important for people to register to make sure they are counted in any review.

Ms Jones AM, who represents Ceredigion, said;

“It’s vital that we encourage people to register to vote in Wales, and that as many people as possible take part in our democratic process. We in Plaid Cymru will be fighting against the savage cuts imposed on us by a Westminster Government which completely ignores the needs of Wales. The Conservative plans for redrawing Westminster electoral boundaries based on the number of people registered to vote means that Wales’ representation in London will be significantly decreased. Therefore it’s important that we get as many people as we can registered on the electoral register to ensure that Wales is fairly represented at Westminster.

Plaid’s Ms Jones AM also said that registering to vote is also important ahead of the referendum on the Assembly’s powers, which will be held in 2011;

“It’s an exciting time in Welsh politics, with an Assembly Election and a referendum scheduled for next year. It would be healthy for Welsh politics if as many people as possible were to partake in the progression of devolution and the development of our nation. It’s important that we use the Assembly Election to send a message to Westminster that a new style of politics has evolved in Wales, and that we will fight against the London cuts, which could prove extremely damaging for Wales.”

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