Plaid Cymru Policy Welcomed by Chief Medical Officer for England

Elin Jones AMPlaid Cymru has welcomed the Child Medical Officer for England’s support for a sugary drinks tax. The Chief Medical Officer has today told a committee of MPs that such a tax may be necessary in order to reduce consumption of sugar.

Plaid Cymru has said that it would consider introducing a levy on sugary drinks if elected to government in 2016, in order to reduce consumption of unhealthy foods, and to help combat diseases caused by our unhealthy lifestyles.

The Party of Wales Shadow Health Minister Elin Jones said:

“Plaid Cymru has long-realised that sugar is a huge problem, and that it needs decisive government leadership to reduce consumption for the health of the nation. I’m pleased that the Chief Medical for England has voiced her support for our plans to introduce taxes such as Plaid Cymru’s sugary drinks tax today.

“Obesity is a serious problem in Wales. Across the former coalfield communities in the south of Wales, more than 60% of people are classed as overweight. Plaid Cymru has long announced its intention to recruit a thousand extra doctors for Wales, and a a tax on sugary drinks could help fund those extra medics.”


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