Plaid Cymru Renews Green, SNP Alliance in Europe

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru has formally renewed its European Parliament alliance with Greens and other progressive nationalists such as the SNP.

The Greens / European Free Alliance parliamentary group is a significant force in the EU legislature, and was the fourth biggest during the last parliament.

The new group was formally constituted at a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday.

Newly re-elected Plaid MEP Jill Evans said the group would give her party a strong platform to fight for Wales in Europe.

Plaid Cymru MEP, Jill Evans, said:

“Plaid Cymru is proud to be part of a progressive group in the European parliament which has consistently worked for a more open and democratic EU.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on issues like creating jobs, combatting climate change and regulating the banks. In the parliament I always put Wales first and the Greens/EFA Group gives us a stronger voice to do that.

“We are entering a period of great change in the EU and we have to ensure that the needs and aspirations of Wales are taken into account.

“Many supporters of other parties voted Plaid for the first time ever in the European election to ensure Wales has a progressive voice representing our interests in Brussels. I can assure them that being part of the Greens/EFA group will allow me to continue this work.”


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