Plaid Demands ‘Unvarnished Truth’ on Chilcot Inquiry

Elfyn llwyd MPParty of Wales Leader Leanne Wood AM and Westminster Group leader Elfyn Llwyd MP have called for the ‘unvarnished truth’ to be disclosed about the Chilcot inquiry and that senior politicians involved in the Iraq war should not be granted immunity from accountability.

Party of Wales Leader Leanne Wood AM said:

“The Party of Wales opposed the war in Iraq from day one.

“Many Plaid members were involved in the anti-war movement, while my colleague Elfyn Llwyd and former Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price made an attempt to impeach former Prime Minister Tony Blair for the part he played in taking us into a brutal and wasteful war.

“The consequences of that decision were horrific and the heavy price is still being paid today both by hundreds of thousands of civilian Iraqis as well as the hundreds of people who make up the families of soldiers who were killed or seriously injured there.

“People deserve to know the truth about events leading up to that decision and so Plaid Cymru contends that all relevant and pertinent information be published.

“Failure to do that will lead people to assume that this enquiry has been a waste of time and vast sums of money.

The Party of Wales’ Westminster Group leader Rt Hon Elfyn Llwyd MP said:

“Given the enormity of the Iraq war and the massive doubt harboured about the incursion’s lawfulness, it is wholly unacceptable that evidence is being cherry-picked before it is put before the public.

“I am sure that the hundreds of thousands of bereaved families – in Iraq and the UK – will be aggrieved by this decision. They above anyone else deserve the unvarnished truth.

“This is especially galling given the lengthy delay in dealing with these issues.

“I personally presented documents to Chilcot and am aware of the content of discussions. I have no doubt that they should be published in full, warts and all.”

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