Plaid: Energy Powers Could Create a Wealthier, More Self-Sufficient Wales

Llyr_Huws_GruffyddPlaid has outlined its ambition to build an energy future for Wales that is based on fairness. The Party of Wales Shadow Energy Minister Llyr Gruffydd has published a paper detailing how devolving energy would create a consenting system that is fairer for Wales, a system of community benefits for renewable energy projects that is fairer for Welsh communities, and energy prices that are fairer for Welsh customers.

Mr Gruffydd said that the devolution of consenting arrangements for all Welsh renewable energy projects would ensure that the Welsh Government is able to decide on energy projects that can help the whole of Wales achieve its long-term energy goals.

He also said that a Plaid Cymru government would enforce a robust system of community benefit clauses in contracts, which would ensure that local communities see a direct benefit from energy projects in their area.

Thirdly, he said that the Party of Wales would pursue the establishment of an arms-length, publicly-owned, not-for-distributable-profit energy company – Ynni Cymru.

The Party of Wales Shadow Energy Minister Llyr Gruffydd said:

“Wales’ strength lies in its natural resources. They are our most valuable assets, and Plaid Cymru wants to make sure that they are managed in a way that promotes fairness.

“If we are to develop a sustainable future for Wales, then the Welsh Government needs to have a firmer grip on delivering that. That’s why it is essential that more powers over planning for renewable energy for Wales is devolved. It is right that the government that develops Wales’ energy targets is responsible for delivering them.

“Secondly, we need to ensure that local communities see a direct benefit from energy projects in our area.  Plaid Cymru has long called for community benefit clauses so that Welsh communities get something back.

“And thirdly, we want Welsh energy customers to pay a fair price for it. Welsh energy bills have risen three times faster than wages since 2008, and the Party of Wales’ proposal to establish Ynni Cymru will tackle this issue directly.

“Wales used to be a world leader in carbon-based energy and it is clear that we have the potential to be a world leader again in renewables. But for that to happen we need to create the right environment so that everyone in Wales is able to benefit.

“Plaid Cymru wants to unlock Wales’ potential as a world leader in green industries and create a stronger and more economically self-sufficient Wales.”

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