Plaid: First Minister Won’t Rule Out Further Blocks On Zero-Hours Contracts Ban

Leanne Wood AMAt First Minister’s Questiontime yesterday (Tuesday 29th April) Labour’s First Minister was challenged to rule out again voting with the Tories to block Plaid Cymru bids to outlaw the misuse of zero-hours contracts.

The challenge was laid by Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood following Labour leader’s intervention last week on the misuse of zero hours contracts.

Ms Wood accused the First Minister of hiding behind phantom legal pitfalls rather than fighting for workers’ rights.

Following First Minister’s Questiontime, Leanne Wood said:

“The First Minister’s own party leader has sought to belatedly enter the debate on the misuse of zero-hours contracts.  I found it particularly interesting that he cited the social care sector as an example of their inappropriate use. Plaid Cymru tabled an amendment to outlaw their misuse in this very sector just weeks ago, but our efforts were blocked by Labour who decided to side with the Tories against the rights of exploited workers.

“On the matter of zero hours contracts the First Minister is determined to divert attention to phantom legal pitfalls.

“He claims he’s powerless to act on zero hours contracts.

“I’d like him to explain why he disputes the ruling Presiding Officer, that Plaid Cymru amendments on zero hours contracts through local authority commissioning are indeed in competence and in order.

Despite the rhetoric of his party leader, it’s clear the First Minister is interested more in posturing than delivering.”


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