Plaid: Gillan Must Deliver Rail to Swansea

Plaid Cymru have challenged the Secretary of State for Wales to demonstrate the same commitment to the people of Wales as she does to her Buckinghamshire constituents.

Plaid’s call comes following comments in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph, in which Cheryl Gillan makes it clear she is prepared to vote against her own Government to defend the priorities of her constituents.

Ms Gillan says she would vote against her own government if the Conservative Government proceed with plans to build a high-speed rail link through her constituency saying “I would defy the party whip – be very, very sure of that. My constituency comes first in all instances.”

Responding Plaid MP for Carmarthen East and Dinerfwr, Jonathan Edwards said;

“Chesham and Amersham may have a first rate constituency MP, but Wales seems to have a truly second-class Secretary of State.

“It is clear that Cheryl Gillan is wiling to defy her own Government on behalf of her Buckinghamshire constituents, yet she has failed time and time again to show such defiance on behalf of the people of Wales.

“While her efforts may be focused on opposing high-speed rail links through her leafy constituency, Ms Gillan must not forget that Wales is united in the call to electrify our rail link to Swansea. As Secretary of State for Wales she must ensure that the people of Wales are given the same priority as her constituents.”

Swansea based Plaid AM Dai Lloyd added:

“With an announcement of rail upgrades expected imminently, we call on the Secretary of State to ensure that full electrification goes ahead to Swansea. Anything short of that would hit the West of Wales hard and be yet another in a series of failures by the Conservatives to ensure fairness for Wales.

“Wales Minister for the Economy and Transport Ieuan Wyn Jones is investing heavily in infrastructure to ensure that our businesses get the help they need in the challenging years to come. The time has come for the Tory Government at Westminster to show the same commitment.”


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