Plaid Leader calls on Welsh Government to Lead in Uniting Welsh Communities

Leanne Wood AMThe Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood has called on the Welsh Government to take action following the concerning news that young men from Cardiff had become radicalised and have travelled to Syria to join jihadists.

Leanne Wood said that there are three elements that need to be addressed:

  • How these young people were allowed to become radicalised
  • What the Welsh Government is doing to in response to calls for support from the Muslim community in Cardiff
  • How the Welsh Government will work to promote unity in Welsh communities and reject division.

Addressing the Welsh Government, the Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood said:

“We must ask ourselves how and why it is possible for young people in Wales, who are educated here to be susceptible to recruitment to violent movements and what we can do to reduce that risk.

“Members of the Muslim community in Cardiff are seeking support from public bodies to help them.

“We have a duty to support them.

“In this respect what role and leadership will the Welsh Government?

“There will be elements who will want to use recent events as a means of promoting division between our communities and ferment a culture of hatred.

“We must never accommodate the politics of hate regardless of who is peddling it.

“Extremism takes many forms and is not limited to one community.

“What steps will the Welsh Government take to avoid a rise in Islamaphobia in our communities?”

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