Plaid leader joins Ron Davies on visit to Caerphilly indoor market

Plaid Cymru leader Ieuan Wyn Jones today paid a visit to Caerphilly’s re-opened Indoor Market today with Ron Davies, Plaid’s Assembly candidate for Caerphilly.

Ieuan Wyn Jones spoke to traders at the market in Pentrebane Street which was re-established by brothers David and Alan Prosser. Plaid’s South Wales East candidate Lindsay Whittle was also present.

Ron Davies said: “The market had been shut for more than a decade so its reopening was a huge boost and increased confidence in the town centre. I’m sure everyone wants to see a  bustling Caerphilly.

Caerphilly council worked extremely hard to help the market reopen and the two brothers deserve enormous praise for their bold decision.

“Plaid has agreed to invest in a Regeneration Investment Fund during the next Assembly term and the money will be used to promote sustainable investment creating  growth and jobs in town centres like Caerphilly, Ystrad Mynach and Bargoed.”

Ron added: “Plaid wants to see other successful ventures developed. Plaid plans to create a Welsh Growth Fund in partnership with the private sector to provide a £90 million fund to enable small businesses to grow.

“The fund will enable people to turn good marketable ideas into business reality – leading to increased employment and a strengthened economy.”

The first phase of the indoor market opened in December, but now more tenants have moved in as part of a second phase of the development.

Plaid leader Ieuan Wyn Jones said: “Labour’s lack of ideas and lack of ambition for Caerphilly is shocking.  Despite weeks of campaigning we still haven’t heard anything from them about how they will improve our education or health services, and how they plan to develop the economy for the next generation.

“ For a party which has held power for so long in this area, their lack of vision and ambition is tragic.  Caerphilly cannot afford to reward Labour failure by giving them a free hand to manage decline for the next 5 years.  Our people and our communities deserve so much more, and Plaid Cymru is the only party which believes that a better Wales is possible.”

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