Plaid Member Welcomes Cash Boost for RCT

Plaid Cymru’s Leanne Wood has welcomed extra cash aimed at relieving pressures on children’s social services and maintaining community facilities within Rhondda Cynon Taf.

More than three quarters of a million pounds has been given by the Welsh Assembly Government to the local authority so that it can maintain spending programmes in the next financial year.  It is hoped the cash injection of £819,000 will free up resources for spending programmes.

The money is part of an overall £10 million package that is being provided to all local authorities in Wales for children’s social services and maintaining community facilities.

Leanne Wood, who is campaigning for a third term as AM for South Wales Central, said: “This money will be a welcome boost for the local authority.  They are clearly struggling to balance the books judging by the way in which they recently slashed the terms and conditions of some of their lowest paid staff.

“I hope this steamrollering through of cuts by the Labour-led local authority, will not be repeated.  I hope that this money from the Welsh Assembly Government will help reduce the risk of loyal and hard-working staff bearing more of the brunt of the council’s inability to budget as well as neighbouring local authorities.”

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