Plaid Minister’s persistence on housing pays off

Following news that the Government’s attempts to halt the Welsh government’s bid to legislate to improve affordable housing has failed, Plaid AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas said that serious questions should be asked about the failing process that has allowed such a situation to arise. He said he would be asking for details of how much the Housing LCO saga has cost the Welsh taxpayer.

The Coalition in Westminster today announced that they will no longer insist on amendments to the Welsh government’s bid for the relevant powers – because to do so would end any hope of legislation being introduced before the end of this Assembly term.

Mr Thomas paid tribute to Plaid Minister Jocelyn Davies for her persistence in battling for the powers to carry out her election pledges and said that common sense would at last prevail. But he added that narrow political tactics by some MPs should not be allowed to hold up Welsh legislation in future.

Carmarthen East and Dinefwr AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas said:

“Common sense has at last prevailed – but not without cost. The human cost of this saga has been to all those people that should by now have been helped by progressive legislation to make improvements to the way affordable housing is provided in Wales. In this respect alone, the MPs that have held this up should be ashamed.

“In financial terms, we’ve all paid a significant price for the ridiculous, drawn out process that we have seen unfold over the past three years or so. I will be asking for details of just how much this debacle has cost the Welsh tax payer. The full extent of the failing in this case should be brought to the public’s attention.

“The fact that this affair may now be coming to an end is down to the persistence and tenacity of Jocelyn Davies. But I cannot avoid feeling that the people this legislation is designed to help have been taken for a ride.

“Housing was the first area of policy to be devolved to Wales – but the National Assembly still has no legislative powers in the area. It’s a prime example of why the current system of devolution needs to be put right in the forthcoming referendum.”


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