Plaid: VAT Increase Could Undermine Economic Recovery

Plaid Cymru’s Deputy Leader has warned that moves by the Conservative and Lib Dems to increase VAT in January to 20% could undermine the economic recovery in our town centres. Helen Mary Jones AM says that it is risking consumer confidence that at a time when we need people to be spending locally they are put off thanks to a hike in VAT being imposed by the Westminster government.

Helen Mary Jones AM said:

“I know from first-hand experience, having spent time talking to retailers in Llanelli town centre, how fragile the economic recovery is in Welsh towns. I am very concerned that at a time when it is essential to support our local economy and businesses that people are not put off, or financially restricted, from doing so.

This VAT increase seems to have been brought in without really examining the impacts it will have on areas like Llanelli, which needs to retain consumers locally.

If we are to get through the recession it is going to be through supporting businesses not putting barriers in the way of consumers who want to buy products and services.”


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