Plaid: Wales can Lead the way with Sugary Drinks Levy

Elin Jones AMPlaid Cymru’s Shadow Health Minister, Elin Jones AM has said that Wales could lead the way on public health through the introduction of a tax on sugary drinks.  The Plaid AM for Ceredigion said that this innovative use of new fiscal powers could be a powerful tool in the fight against growing obesity levels.

The Party of Wales has published a comprehensive paper exploring the introduction of a sugary drinks levy in Wales. The paper sets out how Wales can adopt this innovative tax with the fiscal powers that it is set to receive through the Wales Bill, in order to lead the way on public health.

The paper finds that the so-called ‘Pop Tax’ has the potential to make a positive impact on public health in Wales, as well as raising additional revenue that could be used to help recruit a thousand extra doctors to the Welsh NHS.

The Party of Wales leader Leanne Wood unveiled plans to introduce a sugary drinks levy during the party’s autumn conference in October.

Such levies already exist in a number of US states and in other countries. A recent study predicted that a 20 per cent levy in the UK would reduce consumption of concentrated sugar sweetened drinks by 15 per cent.
The paper finds that a sugary drinks levy “has the potential to make a positive impact on public health, as well as raise additional revenue for government”.

The Shadow Health Minister Elin Jones has previously indicated that a Plaid Cymru government could use additional revenue to help recruit a thousand extra doctors to work in the Welsh NHS.

Recommendations for action to reduce the intake of sugar have received widespread support recently, including from the UK Government’s chief obesity advisor, the specialist group Action on Sugar, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, and from England’s Chief Medical Officer.

The Party of ales Shadow Health Minister Elin Jones said:

“Increasing consumption of sugar is currently one of the biggest problems we face in terms of public health. Evidence shows that most children and adults consume more than they should, while rates of childhood obesity and Type 2 Diabetes have soared.

“In Wales, we have some of the highest rates of over-consumption of sugar and obesity, so we need to be at the cutting edge of tackling these issues.

“Across the former coalfields in South Wales, more than 60% of people are overweight, so it’s right that we act in the interests of public health.

“That’s why Plaid Cymru has proposed this innovative policy to influence public behaviour, whilst strengthening our health service.

“Of course, all of us as individuals have a role in controlling our own diets and habits, but the state also has a role in regulating and dis-incentivising the commercial drive to increase public consumption of sugar.

“This is a matter that has gained much support from the medical profession over recent months.

“Plaid’s Pop Tax could reduce consumption of empty-calorie sugary drinks, whilst also generating important funds that could be invested to ensure that our health service is dynamic enough and well-enough resourced to deal with the problems it faces.”


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