Plaid Warning Over Bogus Electricity Cards

Plaid Cymru are warning Welsh citizens about gangs who are selling worthless fake electricity cards. People have been conned into handing over £25-a-time to doorstep sellers only to find later the cards do not work. Plaid Cymru has written to police forces across Wales to ask about incidents in their force area.

Up to 114,000 customers of the UK’s leading energy companies have been hit, including those with British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and ¬Scottish and Southern Energy.

Plaid Cymru AM for South Wales Central Chris Franks said:

“Families and elderly people should be wary of door to door salespeople who are offering these bogus electricity cards. Always ask for identification when buying on the doorstep. Plaid has asked police forces across Wales about incidents in their areas.

“Plaid is calling for measures from the police to ensure they put a stop to this terrible practice. These fraudsters are nothing more than vultures preying on people attempting to keep warm during the cold snap.

“It has been estimated that these gangs that are targeting the most vulnerable are making profits of up to £2.7 million.”

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks has also written to the Older People’s Commissioner, Ruth Marks, to ask whether her office is aware of the practice and requesting that the elderly are warned about the scam.


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