Plaid: We can make Wales a world-leading sporting and tourism nation

Plaid Cymru has announced that it will seek to establish Wales as one of the World’s major sporting and tourism destinations if it forms the next Welsh Government after May.

By further building upon the Major Events Strategy, Plaid says that it will seek to bring even more world-class events to Wales in the coming years, including bids to bring the Rugby Union world cup back to Wales as well as bringing the UEFA Champion’s league final and stages of some of the world’s biggest growth sports like sailing and mountain biking to the nation.

Plaid has also said it will continue to develop an All-Wales approach to its strategy – aiming to bring economic, sporting and cultural benefits to all part of Wales.

Plaid Cymru’s Alun Ffred Jones AM spelled out the proposals today, saying that Wales must be confident and outward looking in bringing a series of major events to Wales, building on those we have already.

“Under Plaid’s leadership, the Welsh Government has for the first time set up a Major Events Unit with the sole focus of ensuring Wales develops as a major events venue.

“This week we’re outlining the next steps that a future Plaid government would take to make Wales a world renowned sporting and tourism destination. We’ll seek to bring major events to all parts of Wales which will benefit the economy, using our natural resources alongside some outstanding facilities already in place.

“We are ambitious for Wales. Yes, the Ryder Cup was a great success, but we see huge potential in bringing may other world-class events to different part of Wales. If Plaid forms the government after May’s election we will double our efforts to bring major sporting events to Wales, including a focus on bringing new events which could see Wales establish itself as a worldwide destination for sports tourism.

“Wales will co-host the 2013 Rugby League World Cup, staging matches in the north and the south. Some Rugby Union World Cup pool games will be held at the Millennium Stadium when England host the 2015 event, but we want to work with the WRU towards bringing the competition to Wales in future. The next available options are 2023 and 2027.

“Working with the Football Association of Wales, Plaid in government will look to bring matches such as the UEFA Champions’ League final to Wales.”

Alun Ffred Jones said that there would be similar focus on growth sports such as mountain biking and sailing, for which Wales is so well suited:

“It is vital that the whole of Wales benefits from this increase in visitor numbers, and not just major finals in Cardiff. We have mountain biking centres in some of the most beautiful parts of this country, and outstanding sailing facilities which merit major events.

“Plaid Cymru will seek to bring stages of the mountain bike world championships to some of our fantastic venues across Wales, and ensure the north-west of Wales benefits from the tourism opportunities the sailing world championship could bring if staged in Pwllheli.

“Many other nations like Ireland and Scotland have successfully marketed themselves as major golfing or cultural tourism destinations. We believe that Wales has the potential to be a world-class sporting and tourism venue. Plaid is ready to sell Wales to the World, and bring the World to Wales to show them what our country has to offer.”


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