Plan for future open to public

A draft plan to guide future growth and development in Pembrokeshire is now available for public consultation.

Pembrokeshire County Council’s ‘Deposit’ Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out a vision for the sort of place the County will be in 2021 together with objectives to help achieve that vision.

It includes policies and proposals which will be used to judge whether or not planning applications should be approved and identifies land for a variety of new development types, including housing, employment, retailing and community facilities.

The Plan does not cover the area of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, as the National Park Authority has prepared a separate LDP for that part of the County.

The LDP is available for the public to view on the planning pages of the Council’s web-site from 10th December onwards. The website address is:

Everyone interested in what is planned for the future of Pembrokeshire’s towns, villages and countryside of the plan area, should look at the maps, policies and proposals in the LDP.

Those who wish to respond to what they see and read in the new Plan may do so in writing during the consultation period from 26th January to the 9th March.

Representations may be made using an on-line system on the Council’s website or on a form which can be downloaded from the website and which will also be made available in paper format

Further information on the forthcoming consultation is available:

Photograph: Chairman of the County Council’s Planning and Rights of Way Committee, Councillor Tom Richards (left) and Director of Development, Dr Steven Jones, with the ‘Deposit’ LDP

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