Plea to Minister over excessive housing proposals

A plea has been made to the Welsh Assembly Government this week over proposals in Conwy County Borough Council proposals which could see 850 homes developed in Abergele.

Darren Millar, Assembly Member for Clwyd West, called for urgent Minister intervention over the Conwy Local Development Plan, which was recently given the green light by Council.

The Plan sets out the Council’s objectives and priorities for the development and use of land until 2022 and includes proposals for 850 homes in the Abergele area.

Speaking after Ministerial questions in the Senedd this week, Darren Millar said:

Conwy County Borough Council’s proposals for 850 new homes in the Abergele area are unacceptable.

‘Such large scale growth is unsustainable and would put huge strain on local infrastructure such as already congested roads, the health facilities and local schools.

‘The Council’s housing targets are based on housing market assessments that were undertaken at the height of the property boom when there was a much higher level of demand for housing across the whole of the country.

‘Although demand has fallen dramatically since then, these targets are being centrally driven by Welsh Assembly Government Ministers and this is going to have a big detrimental impact in parts of my constituency.

‘I urged the Minister to intervene and take action to urge the Council to reconsider these proposals.’

Photograph: (left to right) Cllr. Sam Rowlands, Cllr. Tim Rowlands and Darren Millar AM
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