Police and Trading Standards warning over rogue traders

Dyfed Powys Police and Public Protection Trading Standards have teamed-up to warn people in Pembrokeshire to be vigilant of rogue traders operating in the county.

The warning comes after an elderly woman in the Ambleston area was over charged for gardening work that involved just 30 minutes light hedge trimming. For this rogue traders charged her £300.

Police were quickly able to locate and arrest two men in relation to the incident. Detective Inspector Anthony Griffiths, said: “Rogue traders who prey on the elderly and the vulnerable will not be tolerated.

“Police and Trading Standards will continue to work together to deal with these individuals who don’t have a shred of decency or a thought for the effects their immoral actions have on their victims.

“One of the most effective ways to tackle rogue traders is for communities to look-out for and support each other, and report anyone they think is or might be trading inappropriately. Victims shouldn’t be embarrassed to contact the police or Trading Standards,” he added.

Pembrokeshire County Council Trading Standards advise the public to be suspicious of cold-callers offering any kind of product or service and not to let them in your home.

A spokesman, said: “If you need work carried out, ask friends and neighbours for recommended traders and get a number of written quotes to compare.”

If you suspect a rogue trader, if you see anyone acting suspiciously or if you’ve been the victim of a rogue trader then contact Consumer Direct Wales on 08454 040506; Welsh language line 08454 04 05 05.

If you require emergency police assistance contact 999 or for non-emergencies contact tel: 101.

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