A police boss will be playing a key role in using technology to fight crime across the UK.
The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners is tapping into the expertise of the tech savvy North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner, Andy Dunbobbin.
They have elected him as their deputy lead for police technology and digital and deputy lead for economic and cyber crime, including fraud.
Fellow commissioners decided he was the perfect person for the job because of his background working in the technology industry.
Back in 2012 he helped ensure the London Olympics was successfully beamed across the world to an audience measured in billions.
At the time he was a technical team leader for a local network company and was responsible for carrying out rigorous checks on the vast array of technology used by the outside broadcast units at the Olympic Games, the biggest sporting event in the world.
One of his new responsibilities will be to ensure that officers have access to the latest high tech kit so they can operate more effectively without having to return to a police station to carry out record checks and complete any bureaucratic tasks.
Mr Dunbobbin is also keen to tackle the rising tide of online crime, including a raft of offences including child sexual abuse, hate crime and fraud.
He said: “I am grateful to my colleagues on the APCC for giving me the opportunity to put my skills and knowledge to good use.
“I am hoping that that I am going to be able to benefit the APCC nationally as well as having a significant impact on what’s happening here in North Wales as well.
“Technology is playing an increasingly vital role in policing so this is a hugely important area.
“The increase in online crime is a massive challenge for the police, here in North Wales and across the UK.
“The criminal fraternity are becoming ever more sophisticated in the way they operate and we need to respond accordingly so we can stay one step ahead.
“It is therefore imperative that we invest to ensure we have the most up-to-date technology at our disposal so we can crack down on these online criminals.
“We need to future proof our technology whilst at the same time ensure that we get value for money at all times.
“Because of my background, I am used to using really sophisticated software packages and equipment and I believe that my knowledge in this area will be a real strength.
“Another exciting development is the use of drones in policing and this will become an increasingly important tool in future.”