Police find property stolen from cars in Tywyn

People in Tywyn are being urged to check whether they have any property missing from their vehicles following a spate of thefts in the area over the weekend.

District Inspector Mark Armstrong said that property had been stolen from inside a number of vehicles on the 19th and 20th of March and two cars were also stolen.

He said: “Most vehicles which were entered were insecure and an opportunist thief had removed items, causing very little damage to the actual vehicles involved. None of these events were initially reported to the police with many of the victims actually not knowing they had been victims of crimes until told by officers.

“These sort of events are fortunately very rare but thanks to some outstanding Police work by the Tywyn Community Beat Manager, Pc 1647 Gareth Edwards, during the early hours of Sunday morning, a man was identified and apprehended in connection with the two stolen vehicles and property taken from vehicles.

The offender was subsequently charged with a multitude of offences and bailed not to enter the county of Gwynedd prior to his court appearance.

“Following a search of a caravan in the town a substantial quantity of stolen property has been recovered and enquiries are ongoing to try and locate the owners.

“At this time it is difficult to estimate how many vehicles have potentially been entered. I would, however, like to reassure the community of Tywyn that this appears to have been the act of one lone male, from outside of the area and this type of incident is not something which occurs on a regular basis.”

Inspector Armstrong urged resident to check whether any property is missing from their vehicles and to contact police at Tywyn Police Station or call North Wales Police on 101 (if in Wales) or 0845 6071001 (Welsh) 0845 6071002 (English) alternatively text 66767 or Crimestoppers Wales/Cymru anonymously on 0800555111 if anything has been removed.


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