Police hunt bag robbers

Police are looking for three males who approached a woman in Felinfoel, pushed her to the ground and snatched her handbag.

The incident happened at about 5.30pm on Saturday the 22nd January 2011. The woman had been walking up the lane that leads from Panteg to Pleasant View in Felinfoel, when she was approached.

“Luckily the woman was unhurt during this incident and she was able to give us very good descriptions of the three males,” said Detective Inspector Huw Davies. “One was described as white, aged 15 to 16 years, 5’4” to 5’6” and of a medium build with broad shoulders, dark eyes and bushy eyebrows, wearing a green hooded top with white stripes down the sleeves.

“The second is described as white, about 5’4”, with a thin build and thin face with pointed nose and thin lips. He was wearing a dark hooded top.

“And the third male is described as white, about 5’4” wearing and also wearing a hooded top.

“Police have arrested three males on suspicion of Robbery and they are currently on police bail. But I would like to appeal for any witnesses who were in the Danybanc, Pleasant View and Panteg areas of Felinfoel around the time and who may have seen something to come forward and contact Llanelli CID on 101.”


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