Police organise football tournament in Corwen

More than 50 children took part in a seven a side football tournament last weekend organised by Corwen Community Beat Manager, Pete Stephens.

PC Stephens invited children and their parents from Corwen and the surrounding areas for a day of fun and competition on Saturday 4th September 2010 at the Crogen Estate, Llandrillo, Corwen.

He said: “Mr and Mrs Robertson kindly allowed us to use the estate and its facilities for the day and local businesses donated £924 in money or supplied food to help us organise the event. The funding also provided adventure training and trophies.”

The football competition started off the day with Gwyddelwern winning the final, Llandrillo were runners up and Clawdd Poncen were third.

PC Stephens said: “As teams were knocked out they went off to experience adventure training at the nearby Get Wet centre and the winning football team went paint balling. The day ended late afternoon with prize giving and 1st 2nd & 3rd position were awarded football trophies.

“All parents and children also enjoyed a barbecue thanks to the generosity of local businesses and cooked by my wife, Jayne and assisted by Mrs Robinson.

“The aim of the day was to get children interested in sport, reward for good behaviour and encourage sporting rivalry and self confidence. It all went extremely well and everyone was asking for a similar event in the future,” he said.

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