Police praised for catching youths causing problems on buses

North Wales Police officers have been praised for helping to catch youths causing problems on local buses.

Mr Keith Anglesea, Arriva General Manager has thanked the local inspector Alun Evans and his team, praising the work of PC Jo Carr in particular.

In an email to the inspector he said: “I would just like to thank you and your team at Deeside police station for helping resolve an issue on the local bus service, PC Jo Carr has been excellent and the youths concerned have been dealt with.

“I’m sure like ourselves you don’t get many e-mails saying how well we do when we get thing right. On behalf of myself and the drivers at Arriva Buses Depot please pass on our thanks.”

Insp Evans said that he was delighted that they had managed to resolve the problem and the four offenders were now being dealt for offences involving disorderly behaviour.

He said: “We received a report from Arriva that a gang of youths had been causing problems on Arriva buses so PC Jo Carr set up a plain clothes operation to try and catch the four culprits and managed to identify them through CCTV footage.

“Through the cooperation of Arriva bus management and staff North Wales Police were able to carry out swift enquiries into the incidents by conducting timely CCTV enquiries and a plainclothes officer using the bus to catch the culprits.

“The offences involved verbally abusing the drivers and other members of the public using the buses, as well as causing danger to occupants of the bus and other road users by running out in front of the bus causing it to stop abruptly.

“Four individuals all from Shotton, have been dealt with, a 13 year old will be attending court for four different offences of public disorder, a 16 and 17 year old have received £80 penalty tickets for public order offences and a 12 year old received a restorative justice ticket and will be writing a formal letter of apology to the company.

“We will take a robust approach to any persons causing anti-social behaviour within our area and look to work closely with victims and our partnership agencies to try to ensure a positive and timely outcome.”


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