Police warn against home alarm scam

North Wales Police are urging people to be on their guard against calls offering them cheap installation of home alarms.

The warning comes from Inspector Mark Hughes following an incident in Shotton, Deeside over the last couple of days.

Inspector Hughes said: “An elderly couple, in their 70’s were contacted by someone on the telephone who said that they were running a special promotion offering a home alarm system for one pound.

“The company attended the address the following day and installed the alarm but the couple were then told it would cost them a significant amount of money.

“They were not aware of any extra cost other than the pound which they were quoted. The elderly man was taken to his building society by one of the installers to collect the rest of the money.

“Working with Trading Standards we have arranged for the alarm system to be removed and the transfer of money was also stopped.

“We are now urging anyone who may be contacted on the telephone with this offer to get in touch with us,” he said.

Anyone who may have also been contacted by this person or has any information is asked to contact North Wales Police on 101 (if in Wales) or 0845 6071001 (Welsh) 0845 6071002 (English) alternatively text 66767 or Crimestoppers Wales/Cymru on 0800555111.


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