Police Warning over use of Animal Traps in Blaenau Gwent

Officers in Blaenau Gwent are reminding residents the danger of animal traps after a cat in the Ebbw Vale area was found caught and injured in a metal spring trap.

The use of spring traps to kill animals is controlled mainly by two pieces of legislation: (1) the Pests Act 1954 (and its Spring Trap Approval Orders) which prohibits the use of gin and other leg-hold traps and (2) the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

The owner of the cat as well as a nearby resident was alerted by the cries of Squig the cat who was clearly in a lot of pain.

As a result the cat received treatment from the local vets. Bernice Fitzmaurice a vet at Riverside Vets explains: “Squig could have lost a paw through this injury and has suffered as a result of the irresponsible and inhumane use of traps. Unfortunately, such traps are easily purchased but can cause considerable suffering and pain to animals.”

Anyone with any information relating to animal traps in Blaenau Gwent can contact PCSO 08 Rhian Hodges at Ebbw Vale Neighbourhood Policing Team on: 01495 233 956 or you can contact Gwent Police on: 01633 838111 or by calling Crimestoppers anonymously on: 0800 555 111.

PSCO Rhian Hodges offers the following advice:

–  If you find an animal suffering in a trap, please call the RSPCA 24-hour cruelty line: 0300 1234 999.
–  If the animal is wildlife as oppose to a domestic animal then you can contact Tiggywinkles on 01844 292 292 as they will deal with rescue/care of injured/sick wildlife including badgers, rabbits, deer, foxes etc.

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