Pontygwaith Primary Are Top Of The Class

Pupils, staff and parents at Pontygwaith Primary School are celebrating after achieving a top-class inspection.

All those associated with the 130-pupil school are delighted its focus on strong academic achievement, respect and courtesy from pupils and close links with the community have been recognised by Estyn officials.

Overall, the school was marked as good in all the categories within which it was inspected, leading to an overall extremely positive and commendable inspection.

Cllr Eudine Hanagan, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning, said: “I am so pleased that the hard work and commitment of all involved in Pontygwaith Primary School has led to such a positive inspection report.

“I am particularly pleased that the inspection has highlighted the attitudes of pupils, who work hard, pay attention and do their best to show respect and courtesy at all times when they are in school.

“Thanks to the work of teachers and parents, they know what is expected of them and are clear as to how well they are doing and how they can continue to succeed, which is very important.”

Headteacher Claire Davies, who joined in September 2010 and whose effective leadership and direction was also highlighted in the inspection, added: “

During the inspection, the team assessed standards, wellbeing, learning experiences, teaching, care, support and guidance, leadership, improving quality, partnership and resource management.

In all categories, the school attained good, which means, across the board, there are many strengths and no important areas that need significant improvement.

Of particular note for the inspectors were:

The school is good because:

  •  Pupils make effective progress and achieve good standards
  • Most pupil’s behaviour and motivation for learning is good
  • The quality of teaching and assessment is good
  • There is a  good range of exciting learning experiences
  • There is an inclusive school ethos

Recommendations were made to:

  • Raise standards for more able and talented pupils
  • Improve attendance and punctuality
  • Ensure that marking regularly includes constructive comments to help pupils make progres



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