Pontypridd Regeneration Scheme About to Commence

Work is about to commence on the first phase of the multi-million-pound Pontypridd Regeneration Scheme.

Pontypridd’s shopping streetscape will undergo a total transformation following Rhondda Cynon Taf Council securing a £10.5 million funding package with substantial investment from Welsh Assembly Government through the European Regional Development Fund and Targeted Match Fund, as well as Council and private sector contributions.

On February 14th 2011 the Council’s contractor, Costain will begin the first phase of construction work in Mill Street. Investigative work at this location was completed in November last year, avoiding  any disruption to the Christmas shopping period for local traders, and an intense period of behind the scenes preparation has been ongoing.

The regeneration of the streetscape will revitalise the currently outdated town centre, introducing attractive high quality granite paving, complemented by new street furniture including benches, lighting, and litter bins that are of a quality fitting for a 21st Century town centre.

The activity will initially take place in Mill Street, with the work commencing in the centre section of Taff Street and High Street a few weeks later. Further areas of the town centre will be revitalised throughout the next two years.

Each section is likely to take up to six months to complete and every effort will be made to maintain safe access to the shops and business premises as the work progresses.

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Safer Communities Cllr Paul Cannon said: “It is with great excitement we welcome the commencement of the first stage of the regeneration scheme for Pontypridd town centre.

“With the financial support of the Welsh Assembly through the European Regional Development Fund and Targeted Match Fund, we can at last see our widespread regeneration plans come to fruition.

”Once again it illustrates our commitment to ensure that the Pontypridd Town Centre Regeneration Project will have a positive impact on this important visitor destination.”

Brian Greaves, Community Relations Manager for Costain said, “The project presents some significant challenges for the construction team none more so than maintaining a safe and welcoming environment to the public during the works programme.

“We also have to account for deliveries to commercial properties and maintaining access for buses and of course the emergency services. We intend to work very closely with all key stakeholders to ensure the works are carried out in an efficient and safe manner.”

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