Port Talbot inshore lifeboat called out to assist 19-foot boat

Port Talbot RNLI inshore lifeboat was called out at 6:20pm on Sunday 25th July to a 19ft cabin cruiser with engine trouble. This was the third time the inshore lifeboat had been called out on service in six days.

The boat was situated about 600 yards off shore had anchored whilst fishing. Due to the boat drifting they had got their anchor rope twisted around the propeller. Sea conditions were quite choppy with strong gusts of wind.

When the lifeboat arrived, crew-member Leon Murphy jumped into the water, securing a buoy to the anchor line before cutting it away from the prop. Once this was done the cruiser’s engine was restarted and the anchor recovered. The RNLI inshore lifeboat then escorted the boat back to its berth in the Monkstone Marina in the River Neath.

Once the boat had berthed safely the lifeboat returned to station.


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