Positive response to coastal masterplan

The Isle of Anglesey County Council has been encouraged by the overwhelming interest in the development of a new Coastal Recreation Masterplan for Rhosneigr.

A team of consultants, led by Jon Rowland Urban Design, has been commissioned by the County Council to prepare a coastal masterplan which would develop both on-shore and off-shore facilities.

The masterplan’s aim would be to maximise local economic benefits, create new jobs and assess the potential impact of coastal use.

As part of the master planning process, a drop-in session held on the 1st May at Rhosneigr Village Hall gave local residents and businesses an opportunity to voice their ideas, thoughts and concerns about the future development of coastal recreation in the increasingly popular resort.

More than 250 people met with the consultants to inform and shape the preparation of the masterplan and any future proposals to develop coastal infrastructure in the village; with the majority of attendees expressing support for the masterplan.

Anglesey’s Head of Economic Development, Sasha Wynn Davies, explained, “We were delighted to see so many people attending the drop-in session. It was pleasing to see their enthusiasm to play a part in the planning process and their willingness to engage with the consultants. The comments received were extremely positive.”

The recent drop in session is only the start of the master planning process.  Residents and visitors will have another opportunity to contribute to the process, and comment upon draft proposals, at other events planned during the summer.

The recreation masterplan forms part of the County Council’s Development of Anglesey’s Coastal Environment Project. Funding for the Project has been secured from the European Union’s Convergence Programme – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Welsh Assembly Government’s Môn a Menai Programme and Targeted Match Fund and Isle of Anglesey County Council.

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