Potter mania casts a spell at premiere

Potter mania swept into a North Wales shopping and leisure centre as the final film in the Harry Potter series hit the silver screen on general release.

Fans desperate to be at the first showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 filled every seat at the Odeon Cinema at Wrexham’s Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre, for Friday morning’s one minute past mid-night event.

And plenty of fans came dressed as their favourite Hogwart character to see how it all ends for Harry, Herimone and Ron Weasley.

Excited Wrexham students Amanda Hughes, Jenny Davies, both 21, Jenny’s sister Rhian Davies, 16, Lucy Underwood, 21, and Caitlin Hill, 20, have seen every Harry Potter movie and read every book and all said they just had to be one of the first to see the final film in the series.

Amanda said: “We have grown up with the Harry Potter story and the actors who play the lead roles are the same age as we are. The whole story has been a big part of our lives since childhood.”

Lucy added: “We have seen the story develop and there is no doubt, both the books and the films, have become darker as time has gone by. The first few films were quite childish in a way where as there are quite adult themes in the latter films.”

The girls couldn’t agree on which was their favourite Potter film but all agreed Deathly Hallows Part 2 was likely to take the crown.

Jenny said: “I always enjoy watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire but I’ve watched every film more than once and don’t really have a favourite.

“I am sure Deathly Hallows Part 2 will be the best as it concludes the story and, although I have read the book, I can’t wait to see how they end it on screen.”

Kelly Farrell, 22, who grew up in Chester but now lives in Llangollen dressed as Harry himself for the screening and went along with her sister, Sue Evans, friend Laila Noble and Sue’s daughter Beth, 12.

Former care assistant now student, Kelly, said: “My sister and I have been to every first screening and queued to be first at every book launch. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

“I can’t wait to see this final film and just love the whole Harry Potter story, I have grown up reading and watching Harry and the rest of the characters. It’s so sad this is the final film in a way but I suppose the story has to end.”

Chester teenagers Sophie Hurst, Ellie Mageean, Samira Rahmani-Torkaman and Chloe Chapman, all 15, who are all Christleton High School pupils, all dressed as Hogwart students for the screening.

Sophie said: “Our parents dropped us off and are collecting us. We are so excited it’s unbelievable. I’ve read each book five times and seen every film more than once. My favourite so far is Deathly Hallows Part 1 but I’m sure Part 2 will be even better.”

Samira added: “We came to Wrexham because no one knows us here and won’t care what we are dressed like! It’s brilliant and I can’t wait to see the film, we are all massive Harry Potter fans.”

Ellie, who has actress Emma Watson‘s autograph among her prized possessions, said: “We were determined to be at the first screening and simply had to get seats. It was no problem coming to Wrexham.”

Chloe added: “We are dedicated Harry Potter fans and wouldn’t miss this for the world. I just can’t wait to see the finale of the film to see how it all ends, although I have read the book, several times actually.“

Scott Smith, 19, of Penyffordd, Angharad Brown, Elisha Baker, both 18, and Johnathon Lloyd, 17, all of Wrexham say they have been to every first screening of previous Harry Potter films and were determined to secure their seats for Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Angharad said: “My favourite film is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as it reminds me of childhood. But I am expecting big things of Deathly Hallows Part 2 especially as it’s in 3D which will be amazing.

Scott added: “I suppose it a generational thing, we have grown up with Harry Potter and the story and characters have developed as we have grown up. I am sure this will be the ultimate Harry Potter film though.”

Also mad keen to secure their seats to ensure they were one of the first to see the film were Wrexham teenagers Paige Coppack, 14, and Nicole Pinkerton, 15.

Dressed up for the occasion Paige said: “We are massive Harry Potter fans and couldn’t miss being at the first showing we have seen every film and read every book.”

Nicole added: “We are both very excited and just can’t wait to see how it all ends even though we have read the book.”

Cinema manager, Kenny Kempster, says the first screening was hectic but everyone was in good spirits.

He said: “We are showing Deathly Hallows Part 2 across five screens and every seat in the house was sold out for the first screening. Everyone has been very patient while we got everyone in and the atmosphere has been brilliant.

“It’s nice to see so many people dressed in costume for the event and having a good time. Every seat is pretty much sold out for the first week which is always the case when a new Harry Potter film is released. It’s such a shame that this is the final Harry Potter film.”

And the verdict of fans leaving the cinema having watched Deathly Hallows Part 2?

“Brilliant, the best one yet,” said Kelly Farrell. “It was really fantastic, unbelievably good. Without a shadow of a doubt I’m coming back to watch it again.”

Her sister Sue Evans agreed, adding: “It was worth staying up until the early hours. It was riveting from start to end and will no doubt become a classic. How sad that it’s the final Harry Potter film.”

Scott Smith, Angharad Brown, Elisha baker and Johnathon Lloyd were equally impressed.

Scott said: “Superb, I’d have to say it’s the best of the whole series even if the story gets a little dark.”

Angharad added: “It’s a tremendous film and I’d agree the best yet it grips you right from the start and stays faithful to the book. The fact it’s in 3D is amazing too.“

Photograph: Big Harry fans from Chester, Christleton High school pupils, from left, Sophie Hart, Ellie Mageean, Samira Rahmani-Torkaman and Chloe Chapman all 15
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