Powys Divisional Commander’s Commendation Awards – Have Your Say

Dyfedd Powys PoliceIn January your local Police service in Powys will hold its 4th Divisional Commander’s Commendation Awards at the Royal Welsh Showground in Llanelwedd.

This year the Powys Commander, Chief Superintendent Steve Hughson, wants to extend the formerly internal nomination process to the public.

The people of Powys can nominate Police Officers and Police Staff within their communities who have achieved high levels of service – and provided members of the public with a professional and positive image of the service.

Chief Superintendent Steve Hughson said: “It is too easy to focus on the negatives, or when the service we deliver falls short of the standards we set and the public expect. The good news is that these instances are very rare and overall satisfaction levels in the local police are very high.”

Being nominated for an award by your local community means much more than internal nominations – so if members of the public have received excellent service from any member of the local Police, this is your chance to have them recognised.

How to nominate

You can either, visit your local police station, telephone Dyfed-Powys Police on 101 and ask for the Powys Customer Service Unit or email your nomination to: [email protected]

The closing date for nominations is Friday 8 January 2010. And remember to include the Officer’s name, rank and why they deserve the award.


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