Prestigious award for Lamphey School

Lamphey Primary School has been awarded a prestigious ICT Mark, following an extensive external assessment.

The Becta ICT award is the culmination of much positive work by staff and pupils of Lamphey Primary School to improve and raise standards in ICT (information and communications technology).

Exciting and innovative projects have included clay animation work, film making, using the Pembrokeshire E Portal, using ‘Beebot’ and introducing new software and resources throughout the school.

Training for the ICT co-ordinator, teachers and support staff has ensured a whole school approach to the project including developments in E-Safety. In addition, PC Elaine Bendle visited the school to give an informative presentation to parents, governors and staff to reinforce the importance of E-Safety.

Headteacher Mrs Margaret Palmer said: “Investment in training and equipment has been a priority of the school for a number of years.

“We are delighted to receive the BECTA award which recognises the high standards achieved by pupils and staff.”

Niel McLean, Executive Director for Schools and Families at Becta, the government-funded body that launched the ICT Mark, said, “Lamphey Primary School thoroughly deserve the accolade of an ICT mark accreditation.

“They clearly demonstrate how important it is to take a holistic approach to using ICT in schools. Their investment in new technology has contributed to substantial improvements in learning.”

The award was presented to the school by Councillor Huw George, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People, Learning and Welsh Language.

The ICT mark is the culmination of a process of review and development of the use of ICT within the school.

It is linked to an online review tool, known as the self-review framework, which helps schools gather evidence about how they use ICT in learning and teaching, and within the management of the school.

The standards of the scheme, which are set nationally, are designed to ensure that the school’s investment in ICT equipment is matched by its effective use within lessons.

Teachers are expected to have gained suitable skills and understanding to improve learning and teaching where ICT is being used; appropriate systems should also be in place to record pupils’ achievements and underpin other key aspects of the school’s management.

Schools with the award will have effective safeguarding policies and procedures in place to ensure the school community is operating best practice in e safety.

Developing appropriate policies and teaching plans, training teachers and ensuring that the school’s ICT equipment is ready for use involves many members of staff over several months or even longer.

It is important that the use of ICT has a real impact on the experience and progress of pupils within the school. A visiting ICT Mark Assessor will have checked to ensure that pupils are receiving their “entitlement” to ICT within lessons and will also expect to see that the school is using technology to enable learning beyond the normal school day and to improve external links.

Photograph: (left to right) Amy, Mrs Alona Jones (ICT Adviser), Miss Catherine Pegg (ICT Co-ordinator), Ceri, Callum, Gareth, Mrs Margaret Palmer (Headteacher), Catrin and Cllr Huw George (Cabinet member for Children, Young People, Learning and Welsh Language)

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