Prestigious Engineering Enterprise Fellowship for Swansea University Professor

The Royal Academy of Engineering has awarded one of its first Engineering Enterprise Fellowships to a professor at Swansea University.

Professor Rhodri Williams from the College of Engineering has received £85,000 of funding and support and will spend twelve months developing his academic research project.

He will concentrate on developing a new test for early detection of blood clotting abnormalities. Blood clotting abnormalities can cause death but they can also be difficult to detect using conventional tests.

Prof Williams will also receive business training and mentoring from Academy Fellows with entrepreneurial experience, as well as access to business angels and venture capitalists.

Prof Williams has created a spinout company at Swansea University to commercially exploit the invention of a new test that provides biomarkers for blood clotting abnormalities.

Professor Rhodri Williams said: ‘‘I am truly delighted to have been given this award by the Royal Academy of Engineering. I’m looking forward to getting started on this important research project and I’m sure that both the funding and mentoring support will come into great use during the next twelve months.’’

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