Protest over Proposed Closure of Ysgol Llandbedr

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar AM  with protestors outside Denbighshire County Council offices this morning

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar AM with protestors outside Denbighshire County Council offices this morning

Clwyd West AM Darren Millar joined campaigners this morning as they made a last ditch attempt to save a popular rural school from closure.  

The protestors gathered outside Denbighshire County Council offices on the morning of the deadline for objections to the proposed closure of Ysgol Llandbedr, to reinforce their views.

Darren, who has been campaigning alongside parents, local residents and the Church in Wales to save the school, presented a file full of objections to the Chair of Denbighshire County Council, Cllr Raymond Bartley.

Darren said:

“The turnout at the council offices this morning is testament of the strength of feeling in the local community over these proposals.

“Ysgol Llanbedr is a fantastic, unique school being the only rural faith school around Ruthin offering English medium education – it does not deserve to be closed.

“The message from parents, pupils, staff and the local community has been made very loud and clear and I just hope that decision makers will take these strong views on board before delivering their final verdict.

“Savings may need to be made in education, but closing small, community schools that are still in demand is certainly not the way forward!”

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