Public Procurement Contracts Vital to Small Businesses, says AM

Ann Jones AMLabour AM for the Vale of Clwyd, Ann Jones, has welcomed the renewed emphasis on encouraging economic growth and protecting jobs by ensuring that public bodies in Wales consider who they are buying from.

Speaking in the Senedd Chamber, Ms Jones praised the Minister responsible for procurement,  Jane Hutt for ensuring that local small business are not frozen out from bidding for contracts.

Ms Jones said: “Small and medium sized businesses are the backbone of our economy and Denbighshire’s local economy depends on these local businesses. SMEs need to be able to bid for government contracts as it has the potential to bring huge benefits to them.

“Big businesses are often called upon to deliver big projects but SMEs may be able to do a better job, sometimes for a more reasonable cost.

“It is vital that all businesses are able to access a system which is fair and gives the best value to the taxpayer. I am pleased with the progress being made on procurement and look forward to seeing more SMEs carrying out contracts”.

Over £4.3 billion per year is by public sector bodies spent procuring goods and services. Independent analysis shows that the Welsh Government has saved £130m through its new procurement framework.

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