Re-appeal for Information Following Sexual Assault, Newport

image_191306_70_01032014 (3)Detectives carrying out the investigation into a serious sexual assault on a 13 year old girl that took place on Saturday  March 1st believe that two women, who were in Newport town centre before the incident may have information which could help with the investigation.

Police are re-appealing for information to trace two women who were in the vicinity of Newport Bus Station that evening between 7pm and 7.15pm who may well have been approached by the alleged offender themselves

One woman, who was wearing dark clothing and carrying bags, is seen walking into the Bus Station from the direction of the Old Green Roundabout/High Street, and appears to wait at one of the bus stops.

Just after 7.10pm another woman, wearing a white top and headphones or earmuffs, appears to get off a bus and walks down Upper Dock Street towards Skinner Street and turns into Commercial Street.

Police believe the 13 year old victim and the alleged offender caught the bus at the bus station and got off by the Harvester, Malpas Road, Newport and walked to a lane off Hollybush Close where the incident occurred at approximately 7.30pm.

Police also want to hear from anyone else who was in the Newport bus station area at about 7.15pm or was on the 19e (town centre to Malpas) bus that left the bus station at approximately 7.20pm to contact them.

A 26 year old man from the Newport area has been charged with Rape of a female child under 16 and is currently awaiting trial

Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting log number 491 1/3/14


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