Reaching out to Romania

Pupils have been getting crafty, learning new skills AND helping others less fortunate than themselves.

Young people at Blaengwawr Comprehensive and Primary schools are enjoying fashion design and jewellery activities thanks to their local E3+ provision and Building The Future Together.

As well as learning new skills and have the chance to enjoy positive extra-curricular activities, the young people have been crafting shoulder bags for teenagers who are less fortunate than themselves.

Working with charity Reaching Romania, the pupils will gift their unique bags to teenagers in Arad, Western Romania.

Reaching Romania has been running for over a decade and founders Kay Grover and Irene Phillips were delighted to visit Aberaman to personally thank all of those who have done so much for the cause.

Councillor Eudine Hanagan, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning said: “We are so proud of the opportunities we are able to offer via Services for Young People and the wider Council provision.

“Our main focus is to ensure young people, regardless of their age, have a wealth of opportunities they can enjoy that provide positive extra-curricular activities and allow them to pursue interests and learn new skills.

“If, by doing that, we can help others and also enable our young people to secure a sense of achievement, then that is also welcome.”


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