Real Nappies Make a Real Difference

Cath Cuss from CCBC Waste Management Team (Left) demonstrating the use of real nappies

Cath Cuss from CCBC Waste Management Team (Left) demonstrating the use of real nappies

Real Nappy Week took place from 28th April – 4th May and Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Waste Management team visited Ystrad Mynach Hospital’s Anti Natal Unit to talk about the benefits of using real nappies on Tuesday 29th April.
Every year during Real Nappy Week the team encourages parents to make the decision to ditch the disposables and use real nappies.  There was an information stand with demonstrations of how to use real nappies and plenty of Mums-to-be that visited the stall pledged to consider using real nappies instead of disposables.

Every year families in Wales throw away around 200 million disposable nappies, which end up on landfill sites where they take up to 500 years to decompose.

Babies will spend approximately 25,000 hours in nappies and need about 6,000 nappy changes – so the decision to use either real nappies or disposables has a big impact on babies’ health and wellbeing, personal finance and the planet.

Not only can swapping to real nappies prove beneficial to the environment, families can save up to £500 for the first child and even more money for subsequent children.

Cllr Dave Poole, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services, said, “Using reusable nappies is now so easy and they are available in so many different styles and designs that there truly is a nappy to suit every child. By using cloth nappies, a family can save 156 black bags from going to landfill per child, and with the savings they can gain, the impact on their finances will be evident too.”

For more information, please call 01443 866533 or visit

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