Reassurance Ahead of June 5th Demonstrations

South Wales Police is preparing to facilitate a number of demonstrations which are planned by two separate groups for this Saturday, June 5 (2010).

Police liaison with all groups involved in Saturday’s activities has been ongoing for some time, and will continue up until the events take place. The public can be reassured that plans are being put in place to police the demonstrations effectively and to ensure minimum disruption.

South Wales Police can confirm that the first demonstration, expected to be the larger of two separate demonstrations being organised by the Welsh Defence League, will take place in Cardiff on Saturday, June 5 at 14:00hrs. This will be a static assembly situated on Museum Avenue in Cardiff.

A counter demonstration will be held in Cardiff by the group Unite Against Fascism (UAF). A procession will be led from Roald Dahl Plass in Cardiff Bay at 11:00am, and will finish at a location between the Cardiff Law Courts and the City Hall. A road block will follow the procession along the route between these two locations (Bute Place; James Street; Clarence Road; Corporation Road; Clare Road; Clare Street; Lower Cathedral Road; Cowbridge Road East; Kingsway / Castle; Boulevard De Nantes).

A second static demonstration organised by UAF will be smaller in size, and will take place on Saturday (June 5, 2010) in Swansea’s Castle Square at 11:00am.

Assistant Chief Constable Nick Croft said: “The police have a responsibility to facilitate every person’s right of expression and their right to demonstrate lawfully. South Wales Police maintains a strictly impartial position on any related issues and causes.

“It is also our role to safeguard the right of the general public to go about their normal business, and to ensure the demonstrations do not disrupt local business activities.

“As with any demonstration where strongly held views are expressed, there’s a possibility of public disorder from demonstrators and from those who oppose their views.

“We know this, as within some otherwise lawful demonstrations in this force area and outside, a few individuals have resorted to criminal activity to further their cause.

South Wales Police will act swiftly and proportionately in response to any criminal offences. Officers have been in dialogue with organisers of all demonstrations for some time, and South Wales Police’s position has been made explicit – Therefore there will be no surprises for any demonstrator who engages in unlawful variations on what has been agreed and they will be robustly dealt with”.

“The nature of the demonstrations, mean pockets of areas across both cities may be affected for a short period, but the public can be assured that measures such as road closures which will be taken by South Wales Police and our partners are all absolutely necessary. I would like to thank the public in advance for their understanding and co-operation.

“Both Cardiff and Swansea both have particularly diverse communities and a long history of different cultures living harmoniously together. The area is rightly proud of its multicultural heritage and South Wales Police will not tolerate unlawful activities which aim to disrupt these good relations.

“Thousands of people from all walks of life visit the force area to shop, watch sport and enjoy the nightlife. This weekend will be no different. It is a particularly busy weekend with a number of large events taking place and of course this will be a challenge for us. But we would like to reassure the community – and those intending to enjoy the events on Saturday – that considerable planning over a long period has preceded this day, which will help contain activities to designated areas, so the impact on the wider community will be minimal.

“We have a long history and an excellent reputation for policing large scale events which have the potential for public disorder, and we are confident that this experience will enable us to police the demonstrations.”

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