Recycle your old unwanted electrical equipment this new year

When using your new hairdryer, shaver or toaster that you’ve received this Christmas, don’t forget the old appliances still lurking at the back of a cupboard or hiding in the drawer – make room for the new by recycling the old.

With everyone in the UK on average, receiving or buying 20kg of electric equipment every year, it is very important that we recycle appliances which are broken and haven’t been used for years.

Gwynedd Council in partnership with Antur Wanufawr, Seren and ERP (European Recycling Platform) have placed red recycling banks for small electric appliances in eight locations across Gwynedd. Therefore, when you’re taking your Christmas cards or wine bottles to the banks – remember that you can also take old small electrical appliances such as an old lamp or radio.

Steffan Jones, Gwynedd Council’s Senior Waste and Commissioning Manager said:

“This is another convenient way of recycling small electrical equipment, from an electric toothbrush to a kettle or a hand mixer you can bring them to these red banks at Waunfawr, Llanberis, Penygores, Bethesda, Porthmadog, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Dolgellau and Tywyn.

“I’m sure that everyone has at least one appliance that they don’t need or which is broken – this is exactly the right place to bring them and put them in the red electric appliances bin.

“These materials will then be recycled. If you take a close look at any electrical equipment these days there is a wheelie bin symbol with a cross through it – these items should never be placed in a bin for landfill – it is important that they are recycled – no matter how small they are.”

For more information about the location of the banks contact Gwynedd Council’s Waste and Recycling Desg: (01286) 679872, e-mail: [email protected] or visit:

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