Regional AM calls for Oystermouth Road Rec to be Saved

Suzy_DaviesSuzy Davies, the Welsh Conservative Assembly Member, has called for The Recreation Ground on Oystermouth Road to be saved from any development that may take place in the future.

While the “Save our Rec” campaign have submitted an application to have the space designated as a village green, Swansea Council are also in the process of applying to be able to appropriate the land for their own use.

Mrs Davies, who herself lives in the area, said: “It is clear that the Rec has been used be local people for decades and what is more it is still used on a daily basis. You only have to look across at it to see that it is an important part of the local community.

“For the Council to appropriate the land would mean that they are essentially earmarking it for any future development they may wish.”

She went on to say: “There are plenty of other spaces that the Local Development Plan has already identified for any future building work.

“For many older people and those with very young families, other green spaces like Cwmdonkin Park and Singleton Park are just too far for them walk, especially up hill. Taking away The Rec would mean them losing out on the only bit of accessible green space within easy walking distance for them.”

Mrs Davies commended the local campaign, saying: “The ‘Save the Rec’ campaigners have done a huge amount of work to show to the Council that the land has been used for much longer than the 25 years needed in their application, and they are now also writing to the Council to show that they are against the appropriation of it.

“I have also written to Swansea Council to make them aware that I too am against them appropriating The Rec.

“The Rec is part of the history of Swansea and I hope it has a part to play as a recreation ground for the community in its future as well.”

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