Regional Board Supports Gwynedd’s S4C Bid

S4CThe North Wales Economic Ambition Board has expressed its support for Gwynedd Council’s bid to relocate S4C;s headquarters to Caernarfon.

Councillor Hugh H Evans, Chair of North Wales Economic Ambition Board said: “The role of the Board is to work collectively to achieve positive and successful change in the performance of the regional economy, and the relocation of S4C to predominantly Gwynedd and North Wales would highlight the importance and emergence of North Wales as a region for growth and prosperity.

“The bid is founded upon an ambitious vision by Gwynedd Council which is supported by the North Wales Economic Ambition Board to develop Doc Fictoria, Caernarfon and the shores of the Menai into a national and international centre for the creative industries,  particularly through the medium of Welsh.

“The creative industries are an important sector for the whole region, and S4Cs presence would benefit the whole region and help to improve inward investment and accelerate economic growth  across  the North Wales area, and act as a catalyst for attracting business from within Wales and from the media sectors in Dublin and Manchester.

“We wish Gwynedd Council every success with their bid”.

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