Residents invited to hear future of their town

Porth residents are being invited to find out about the latest news in their town at next month’s PACT meeting.

Trader Ian Howells, of Howells Newsagent, will be chairing the meeting and one of the top items on the agenda will be a presentation from Bond Demolition on their plans for the old YMCA building, which has stood derelict and been a cause of community concern since it was burned down.

Inspector Mike Jones, Pc Nigel Bird and PCSOs Cath Jones and David Hughes will also be in attendance at the meeting, which takes place from 6.30pm at the Wyndham Club on Tuesday, July 6.

Ward councillors Margaret Davies, Julie Williams and Margeret Tegg will also be in attendance and it is they who have invited Bond Demolition along to hear plans to transform the redundant YMCA building and bring much-needed development and accommodation to the area.

PACT (Partnership and Communities Together) is an essential vehicle for delivering local solutions to the local issues that have been raised by communities.

Launched by South Wales Police, it has developed into a true partnership initiative, with local Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Councillors, Council directors, residents and businesses working together to tackle the issues they have identified as priorities.

PACT sees regular meetings in every ward, with all invited to attend to ensure our communities remain reassured and also play an active part in making a difference in their area.

Porth is a particularly successful PACT, which has seen community stakeholders engage with all levels to ensure their area is a nicer place to live, work and visit.

A recent success of PACT in Porth has been the launch of a junior PACT for younger residents, so they can become positive, active citizens and play a part in delivering the services and facilities their generation would like to see in the town.

Ian Howells said: “As a local businessman and community stakeholder, I am committed to working to do what I can to ensure Porth remains a safe and pleasant place to live.

“We want the people who live here to have a good quality of life and want visitors to our town to be reassured that they are entering a safe, welcoming community that has lots to offer.

“I hope as many people as possible attend PACT so we can all play a part in shaping our future.”

Inspector Mike Jones said: “Partnerships and Communities Together ( PACT ) meetings are intended to give residents an opportunity to highlight any community issues that are having an impact on their quality of life and see how the police, and other agencies, are working together to make a difference.

“Partnership work is helping to improve quality of life for residents in the Rhondda and I would encourage all members of the community to attend their local Pact meeting and give their views not only on any community issues, but also on the Pact process.”

For more information on PACT and how to get involved, visit or contact South Wales Police on 101


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