A Welsh Assembly Government review of the licensing and regulation of dog breeding in Wales has been described by Wrexham’s AM, Lesley Griffiths as being “a significant step forward for animal welfare.”
The moves comes following the consideration of new evidence which arose out of projects undertaken by Welsh local authorities which have that addressed a range of animal welfare issues.
One of the areas of concerns which were highlighted in the work, included the neglect and cruelty that have taken place in some so-called “puppy farms”.
The initial data which was gathered by local authorities, showed there are 249 unlicensed dog breeding premises across Wales.
Commenting, Lesley Griffiths AM said:
“Without doubt, this review will be welcomed by animal lovers everywhere. It is a significant step forward for animal welfare in Wales.
“The Welsh Assembly Government are to be congratulated for triggering this action and I hope at the end of their review, the law will be tightened up to ensure we have only the highest standards when it comes to dog breeding in Wales.”