Rhuddlan Back Dog Fouling Campaign


Councillors Ann Davies and Arwel Roberts with representatives from Kingdom Securities, Denbighshire County Council and North Wales Police

A major campaign to tackle problems with dog fouling across Denbighshire has been boosted by support from the local community in Rhuddlan.

Denbighshire County Council launched an education and enforcement campaign last year, targeting irresponsible dog owners who fail to clear up after their animals.

Large, highly visible signs have been placed around Rhuddlan, as well as environmental warning signs and uniformed officer patrols from Kingdom Security keeping an eye on the situation.

Any complains received by the Council are investigated thoroughly and those persons who are caught acting irresponsibly will receive Fixed Penalty Notices, or in some cases it could lead to the case being heard before the courts.

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “We are continuing with our zero tolerance approach to dog fouling and have advertised widely through the local press, the Council’s residents newsletter and by placing high profile signs in our communities.

“We have had strong support for the campaign to date and the latest support from the Rhuddlan community has the backing of the two local county councillors.

“We are encouraging residents who may have information about those responsible for dog fouling to get in touch with the Council. The information can be passed anonymously if necessary.

To report incidents of dog fouling, please phone: 0800 230 0234 or visit: www.denbighshire.gov.uk/dogfouling

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