Rhydyfelin Flood Alleviation Scheme Update

Significant preparatory work has now been concluded on the £2.4 million Rhydyfelin Flood Alleviation Scheme by Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s project team.

In conjunction with the Welsh Assembly Government’s Flood Risk Management Grant and European Convergence Funding administered by the Welsh European Funding Office, this challenging project is set to tackle the flooding problems associated with Glyntaff Farm Estate, Dynea Close and Oak Street.

The work will include providing surface ponds, modifying and replacing culverts and attenuation tanks. In addition to the physical work, a campaign for flooding awareness within the flood risk area will be introduced and run throughout the project.

The project team has since progressed the design and development of the project. The works that have been completed in the last few months are:

* Completion of the Ground Investigation Contract
* Hydraulic Modelling (Computer Analysis of flood waters)
* Detailed Ecology

The detailed design is progressing well with some challenging issues identified in this high population area.

The next phase of the project is to undertake an investigation into the location of services such as gas and electricity. This investigation will generally consist of excavating trenches in the vicinity of the proposed works.

This will include areas such as roads, footways and verges. The investigation will provide vital information to ensure that the there are no unknown services in the way of the proposed works avoiding delay and disruption to the main works.

The service investigation works are due to start on site towards the end of November for completion by late December 2010.

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, Emergency Planning and Customer Care Cllr Andrew Morgan, explained: “Risk of localised flooding continues to be an issue during the project development and design phase and the project team continues to work with our partners in Newydd Housing, RCT homes and the Waste Management and Streetcare divisions of the Council to minimise the risk.

“However, the risk of flooding significantly increases where there is illegal tipping of rubbish in and around the streams and culverts. We therefore request that the general public only uses official and legal means for disposal of their rubbish.

“As children extensively play in the project area, the project team would like to ask parents and guardians to remind children in their care not to attempt to enter the service investigation contractor’s working area for their own safety.”

Local Ward Member Cllr Maureen Webber added: “The project team would like to thank everybody who has assisted them to date and continue to provide essential local information which will help deliver this challenging project.

“We are doing all in our power to implement this extensive flood alleviation scheme for the village and hope residents will remain patient with us during the forthcoming series of works being undertaken in the vicinity of their homes.”


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