Richard nurtures apprentice foresters

Richard Gable (left) receives his A1 Assessor award from Clive Gadd of Coleg Gwent


Richard Gable is Forestry Commission Wales’s Area Manager for the Wye Valley and is based in Chepstow, Gwent. He worked with staff from Coleg Gwent and an external verifier to gain the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) A1 Assessor award in Trees and Timber.

Now, along with managing the Welsh Assembly Government woodlands in the Wye Valley, Richard has taken on the role of internal NVQ Assessor for apprentices on Forestry Commission Wales’s Foundation Modern Apprentice Scheme.

In this new role, Richard ensures that apprentices demonstrate they have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the standards and criteria required to gain NVQ level 2 in Trees and Timber.

Richard said, “The Foundation Modern Apprenticeship Scheme has provided young people in Wales an opportunity to gain experience in the forestry industry and I am delighted to be a part of this process.”

Hayley Evans, HR Officer at Forestry Commission Wales, said, “Richard is a fantastic addition to our apprenticeship scheme which was set up last year in response to a skills shortage in the forestry sector.

“With his wealth of forestry knowledge and his enthusiasm for learning and development, Richard was the ideal choice to undertake the role of NVQ assessor.”

The Foundation Modern Apprentice scheme was set up by Forestry Commission Wales in 2009. The scheme is currently fully subscribed, but details of future opportunities for placements will be placed on


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